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Water Filteration Systems and Pest Control

Making an Emergency/Makeshift Water Filter

Making an Emergency Water Filter

On a Season 5 episode of the popular, post-apocalyptic television show “The Walking Dead” a group of survivors find themselves out of clean water in an unfamiliar area. The character Rosita takes an empty plastic bottle, cuts off the bottom and begins to fill it with sand and rocks. She then begins to slowly pour cloudy water from a nearby stream through it. The episode didn’t show the necessary step of sterilizing the water after filtering (whether through boiling, disinfection with a chemical agent such as bleach, or UV exposure to sunlight) This method does work and can keep you heathly if clean potable water or a manufactured water filter system are unobtainable.

It is important to try and find the cleanest water available, and under no circumstances should you try and filter sewage runoff or irradiated water using this process.

Emergency Water Materials

Materials Needed

Supplies Needed:

  • Plastic bottle or comparable food-safe container
  • Another container for clean water
  • Clean cotton or cheese cloth
  • Coffee filter or porous cloth
  • Charcoal
  • Sand (fine and coarse)
  • Gravel or pebbles
Emergency Water Filter Diagram 1

Step 1 – Cut Bottom Off

Use scissors or a knife to cut off the bottom part of the bottle you will be putting the filter material in.

Emergency Water Filter Diagram 2

Step 2 – Cut Drain Hole

Use scissors or a knife to poke a small hole in the cap. If there is no cap, cut off top of the bottle instead of the bottom for previous step then poke several small holes in the bottom of the bottle.

Emergency Water Filter Diagram 3

Step 3 – 1st Layer: Straining Fabric

Stuff the bottom of bottle with a fine cloth or paper fabric, such as a coffee filter, cheese cloth or cotton stuffing.

Sand and grass can also be used in this first stage. Fill the bottom with about 3 inches of grass clippings to filter out larger particulates and help give water a clean taste from chlorophyll contained in the grass. Then fill with 3-4 inches of very fine sand.

Be careful not to use poisonous or unidentified weeds when collect grass clippings. Do not use Highway Department sand, as it can be full of road salt and chemicals.

Emergency Water Filter Diagram 4

Step 4 – Break Up Charcoal

Take charcoal from campfire or BBQ charcoal (do not use match/instant light type because it’s soaked in chemicals) and use hammer or rock to break it down into smallest particles you can.

Emergency Water Filter Diagram 5

Step 5 – Layer 2: Pulverized Charcoal

Pour about 3 inches of pulverized charcoal into bottle. If available, cover with another coffee filter to prevent charcoal from being displaced to much during filtering.

Emergency Water Filter Diagram 6

Step 6 – 3rd Layer: Fine Sand

Add a 2-3 inch layer of the finest sand you can find. This and the subsequent layers you will add are to filter out particulates in the water.

Do not use Highway Department sand, as it can be full of road salt and chemicals.

Emergency Water Filter Diagram 7

Step 7 – 4th Layer: Coarse Sand

Add a 2-3 inch layer of coarse sand or very small small pebbles.

Emergency Water Filter Diagram 8

Step 8 – 5th Layer: Fine Sand

Add an additional 2-3 inch layer of the fine sand. Multiple varying filter stages (like a reverse osmosis system) ensures that most of the particles present in the water are caught.

Emergency Water Filter Diagram 9

Step 9 – 6th Layer: Gravel

Add a 2-3 inch layer of gravel or small rocks to prevent the water being poured in from displacing the sand.

Emergency Water Filter Diagram 10

Step 10 – Top Strainer

Cover top of filter with a piece of porous cloth, such as a bandana or cheese cloth. This step is optional but helpful in straining any large debris from the water and stop the pouring from displacing the sand inside the filter.

Emergency Water Filter Diagram 11

Step 11 – Pouring & Collecting

Pour water slowly into filter while holding it over the second container.

Make sure to wipe off or clean the collection container. Pour water slowly so as not to disturb filter layers too much or to cause filter container to overflow and possibly spilling unfiltered water into collection container.

Emergency Water Filter Diagram 12

Step 12 – Sterilize Water

Even though you have filtered the water through many different layers, microbes can still exist in the water and it still needs to be sterilized. Boiling the water in a pot or kettle is the easiest way.

You can also use sunlight to sterilize water. Pour filtered water into a clean, clear plastic or glass bottle up to 3/4 full and screw on cap. Shake for thirty seconds to add more oxygen to the water. Place on light or reflective surface in direct sunlight. The amount of exposure it needs it dependant on weather conditions. A clear day requires 6 hours of exposure whereas 50% or more cloud coverage will require 2 days of sunlight.…

The 7 Best Whole House Water Filters of 2022

Our editors independently research, test, and recommend the best products; you can learn more about our review process here. We may receive commissions on purchases made from our chosen links.

Best Whole House Water Filters
The Spruce / Chloe Jeong

Water is the lifeline of any home. Beyond drinking it, we use it to bathe, cook, and clean things like dishes and clothes. That makes having clean, quality water all the more important. Depending on the source of the water, it can contain various degrees of harmful contaminants like chemicals, sediments, and organic matter1. Even treated water sources from cities and towns might not be in the best condition.2

This is where a home water filter system can be handy. These systems take the water that enters your home from a single source and treats it to remove these various harmful contaminants. When buying one, you should think about the source of your water and likely contaminants you may find. Some systems treat things like lead or iron better than others. For hard sediments like calcium, you will also want something with a built-in water softener using salt or a salt-free process. Finally, if you want to retain some of the healthy minerals in the water, keep an eye out for options with a remineralization process.

Here are the best whole house water filtration systems for your household.

Best Overall: Pelican PC600 Pelican Premium 10 GPM Whole House Carbon Water Filtration System

Express Water Heavy Metal Whole House Water Filter

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A long-lasting and effective whole house water filter, the Pelican PC600 is a 10 GPM whole home water filter with a 5-micron pre-filter for catching sediment and a carbon filter media that targets the most common sources of water contamination. A layer of bacteriostatic media inhibits the growth of bacteria within the unit. The 10 GPM flow rate and 1-inch ports are generally considered sufficient for the water flow demands of a household up to four people with two to three bathrooms. This system meets the NSF 42 standard for water filtration systems.3

Carbon whole home water filters are considered particularly well suited for capturing chemicals and contaminants responsible for odors and sub-par taste.4 Activated carbon filters are the most commonly recognized water filtration media.

For this particular whole home water filter, the pre-filter requires semi-regular replacement (every six to nine months), but the carbon filtration media has a long-lasting service life of up to five years or 600,000 gallons. When it’s time, you can replace the filter when it’s no longer viable instead of needing to replace your entire whole home water filter system.Expert Buying Tips

“[Activated carbon filters] can remove a number of contaminants like mercury, disinfection byproducts, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), but there are a number of contaminants these filters cannot remove. Replacement of these filters on schedule is key to ensure they reduce contaminants as certified.”

Sydney Evans, a science analyst for the Environmental Working Group

Best Budget: GE GXWH04F Whole House Water Filtration System


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For significantly less than many of the picks on this list, this budget whole home water filter will filter sand, sediment, and debris that would otherwise contaminant your water supply. While this single stage water filter only removes larger particles from the water, it’s an affordable option for improving the appearance and composition of your home’s water.

Reviewers frequently install this budget whole home water filter to reduce chlorine and sediment that might otherwise affect appliances, like a water softener or an icemaker. It also has satisfactorily eliminated visible particles, or “floaties” as one reviewer put it. These filters do need to be changed with a higher frequency than some other whole home water filters—the manufacturer estimates the lifespan for a filter to be about three months. The good news is that replacement filters are affordable, too.

Best for Easy Maintenance: 3M Aqua-Pure Whole House Water Filtration System

3M Whole House Water Filtration System

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If you’re looking for a top whole home water filter that is effective and easy to maintain, it’s hard to beat the conveniences of the 3M Aqua-Pure Whole House Quick Change Water Filter. This water filter meets NSF standard 42 and has a sediment filter to trap particles greater than 5 microns in size3. The activated carbon media targets chlorine and other common contaminants, while also reducing scale that can affect appliances like water heaters, dishwashers, and more. 

The biggest advantage to the 3M AP904 whole home water filter is its super simple filter replacement, thanks to a “sanitary quick change” feature. When it’s time to change the filter (after about 100,000 gallons, depending on water quality), simply unthread the canister and replace with a new filter tank. The filter easily clicks into place and there’s no leakage or chance for contamination. This is a big improvement when compared to some other whole home water filters that require wrenches, drip pans, and the potential for a wet mess as you wrestle one filter out and a new one into place. 

However, keep in mind that this isn’t the most robust water filtration system on the market—it’s mainly targeted towards removing larger sediment particles and reducing chlorine to improve taste and odor. But if that’s your main objective for a water filtration system and you like easy filter changes, then this system is a great option.

Best for Well Water: iSpring 3-Stage Whole House Water Filtration System

iSpring WGB32BM 3-Stage Big Blue Water Filter Triple-stage 15-GPM Mechanical Filtration Whole House Water Filtration System

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The iSpring WGB32BM is one of the best whole home water filters, and is especially well-suited to handling the filtration needs of well water. This three-stage system uses a pre-filter to collect sediment like sand, dirt, and rust, which often infiltrate drinking water from underground wells. The second stage filter targets chlorine, VOCs, and other contaminants with a carbon block filter. Finally, to handle the specific needs of well water, the iSpring WGB32BM has a heavy metals filter that reduces iron, manganese, and other heavy metals often found in well water. 

The first two stages have a filter life up to 100,000 gallons, but the heavy metal filter will need more frequent replacement—it’s only rated for 50,000 gallons (depending on iron levels in your water supply). Reviewers that previously tried only a two-stage whole home water filter have been very satisfied with the performance of this iSpring model. Over and over, homeowners report that the sulfur smell and metallic taste of well water has been remedied with the iSpring WGB32BM.

Best with Water Softener: Pelican 15 GPM Whole House Water Filtration

Pelican PSE2000 Whole House Water Filtration and Softener Alternative System

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If you want to filter your water and condition it at the same time, then look for a whole home water filter with water softener alternative, like the highly-rated Pelican PSE2000. Often referred to as a water conditioner, this system filters the most common contaminants from home water supplies, while also reducing water hardness. It meets NSF standards 42 and 61.3

What sets the Pelican PSE2000 apart is the fact that it has been DVGW-certified to prevent 99.6 percent of scale—making it the only water softener alternative to do so. Traditional water softeners require salt, electricity, and …

How Does a Water Filtration System Work?

Have you ever thought about how water makes it from its original source and to your faucet? Water goes through a filtering process long before it reaches the tap and is ready for use. This is necessary because surface water sources like lakes, rivers, and reservoirs contain impurities, bacteria, and other contaminants that can cause disease and leave an unpleasant taste and odor. 

Groundwater is found in underground aquifers, which is obtained by wells pumping the water to the surface. Both surface water and groundwater are made available for public use, but groundwater is not always treated. Chemicals and pollutants lurk in the water from a number of sources. These may include fertilizers, pesticides, sewer overflows, and elements like lead, arsenic, and uranium. 

Exactly how does a water filtration system work to extract these toxins and make safe drinking water? Public water systems follow five stages: 

  • Aeration – Adds air to the water while allowing gases to escape
  • Coagulation – Suspends solid particles for easier removal from the water
  • Sedimentation – Allows particles to settle to the bottom and the clear water on top is drained
  • Filtration – Removes impurities that remain after the first filters are applied
  • Disinfection – Frees the water of harmful organisms and bacteria

The water is strained from its original source to become potable. However, it’s not considered “filtered water” since a number of pollutants still remain. The recorded level is not the same for every municipality. Depending on the original water quality, certain regions may use other products to sanitize or further filter the water. These by-products also pollute the water even after it’s gone through the filtration process. 

Drinking contaminated water can result in a multitude of health issues, including neurological disorders, problems with the stomach and intestines, as well as reproductive issues. Without the availability of filtered, purified water, it’s not as likely people will meet their daily intake.

Why Water Filtration is Necessary

There are no federal regulations to determine a standard of water quality across the board. However, the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) has set minimum requirements for water intended for human consumption. Achieving minimum standards means less of these contaminants are found in the water but doesn’t indicate they’ve all been fully removed. It’s natural to assume the water that has gone through a typical water treatment still contains chemicals, bacteria, and other microorganisms. 

The pipes the water runs through also make a difference in the purity of water that comes from the tap. Depending on the age of the pipe and the materials it’s made of, they can also leak toxins into the water. Old, lead pipes have been the central cause of many recent water emergencies across the U.S. where the city’s water supply is deemed undrinkable, which makes the importance of water filtration evident.

Due to the uncertainty of tap water quality, in addition to its poor taste and/or appearance, a majority of people choose to drink purified water only. It’s become the norm in many households. People either buy bottled water or rely on a water filtration unit. The availability of purified drinking water has also become more common in public areas like airports, gyms, and hotels. This is a convenient alternative to tap water and promotes a healthy lifestyle for people who want to stay hydrated without worrying about plastic waste. 

FloWater’s advanced technology, specifically, transforms tap water by passing it through seven unique filters before it’s ready to drink. Each filter helps to purify the water, while also adding essential minerals and electrolytes. One of the filters is five times more effective than anything else available today. As a result of this high standard of water purification, people can enjoy cool, crisp water on demand.

Walking Through The Seven Stages of FloWater Filtration

FloWater’s purification process uses tap water as its source to run through a series of filters that remove up to 99% of all impurities. This leaves behind great tasting water that  is free of chemicals, bacteria, and any other elements that are likely to still linger in tap water. With an advanced system like FloWater’s, you can be sure that you’re getting the best type of filtered water out there.

The first filter strains out rust, dust, dirt, and other suspended solids. When water flows from the treatment plant to the tap, there is still a chance for it to pick up sediment along the way. This filter captures any of these remaining substances and filters them out. 

The second filter eliminates smaller particles, many of which create an unpleasant odor or taste. This includes chlorine, radon, and other heavy metals that affect the water’s purity level. Even when water goes through a city’s treatment process, many times there’s still a sour or chemical smell that makes the water undesirable to drink. 

The final filter of purification is the advanced osmosis filter. At this stage, any remaining pollutants are removed by pushing the water through a semipermeable membrane. This includes contaminants such as bacteria, lead, pesticides, and other harmful agents that manage to make its way into water sources. This filter ensures nothing but pure water is left behind. After the water has made its way through the first stage, it’s time to improve the water’s quality and taste by sanitizing it and adding back valuable minerals. 

During the sanitizing phase, activated oxygen is added to the water in small amounts. This naturally sanitizes the system and tanks versus using any chemical agents. Plus, it increases the level of oxygen in the water, which helps to improve the taste and benefits the body. Following the use of activated oxygen, the water goes through an alkaline filter. A proprietary blend of ten trace minerals is added to the water. This raises the pH level of the water to help neutralize the body’s acidity.

To round out the seven-step approach, there are two final filters. The electrolyte enhancement adds potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium, which aids the body by contributing to cell repair, bone strength, and the immune system. Such electrolytes are found in sports drinks and other healthy beverages. Unfortunately, those drinks are also laden with sugars and other additives that counteract the benefits of electrolytes. 

Drinking filtered water for hydration is the healthiest way to go. However, not all methods are the same. Reverse osmosis, for example, filters tap water fully but also strips it of its natural electrolytes. Other solutions like water filtration pitchers or faucet attachments require constant filter replacement and may not capture as much sediment or impurities. FloWater achieves the highest level of purification and makes sure the water still maintains its natural benefits and tastes great. 

Benefits of FloWater’s Water Treatment Technology

Through the power of FloWater’s Refill Station technology, it provides a solution for several challenges people face when looking for a reliable filtered water resource. In addition to the seven stages of filtration for premium purification, it also is designed to serve a high capacity of people. The tank holds seven gallons of chilled, purified water at all times and replenishes itself automatically every time water is dispensed. 

Standing in line at the water fountain simply won’t cut it when you’re in a hurry. The Refill Station fills a 24-oz. bottle in a quick 9 seconds, which is 45 seconds faster than the …

Water Treatment

Community Water Treatment

Drinking water supplies in the United States are among the safest in the world. However, even in the U.S., drinking water sources can become contaminated, causing sickness and disease from waterborne germs, such as CryptosporidiumE. coli, Hepatitis A, Giardia intestinalis, and other pathogens.

Drinking water sources are subject to contamination and require appropriate treatment to remove disease-causing agents. Public drinking water systems use various methods of water treatment to provide safe drinking water for their communities. Today, the most common steps in water treatment used by community water systems (mainly surface water treatment) include:Figure illustrating the water treatment cycle, showing coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection

Figure courtesy of EPA

  • Coagulation and FlocculationCoagulation and flocculation are often the first steps in water treatment. Chemicals with a positive charge are added to the water. The positive charge of these chemicals neutralizes the negative charge of dirt and other dissolved particles in the water. When this occurs, the particles bind with the chemicals and form larger particles, called floc.
  • SedimentationDuring sedimentation, floc settles to the bottom of the water supply, due to its weight. This settling process is called sedimentation.
  • FiltrationOnce the floc has settled to the bottom of the water supply, the clear water on top will pass through filters of varying compositions (sand, gravel, and charcoal) and pore sizes, in order to remove dissolved particles, such as dust, parasites, bacteria, viruses, and chemicals.
  • DisinfectionAfter the water has been filtered, a disinfectant (for example, chlorine, chloramine) may be added in order to kill any remaining parasites, bacteria, and viruses, and to protect the water from germs when it is piped to homes and businesses.
Learn more about water disinfection with chloramine and chlorine on the Disinfection page. 

Water may be treated differently in different communities depending on the quality of the water that enters the treatment plant. Typically, surface water requires more treatment and filtration than groundwater because lakes, rivers, and streams contain more sediment and pollutants and are more likely to be contaminated than groundwater.

Some water supplies may also contain disinfection by-products, inorganic chemicals, organic chemicals, and radionuclides. Specialized methods for controlling formation or removing them can also be part of water treatment. To learn more about the different treatments for drinking water, see the National Drinking Water Clearinghouse’s Fact Sheet Series on Drinking Water TreatmentsExternal.

To learn more about the steps that are taken to make our water safe to drink, visit the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Public Drinking Water Systems webpageExternal. To learn more about the 90+ contaminants EPA regulates and why, visit EPA’s Drinking Water ContaminantsExternal page.

Water Fluoridation

Community water fluoridation prevents tooth decay safely and effectively. Water fluoridation has been named one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century 1. For more information on the fluoridation process and to find details on your water system’s fluoridation, visit CDC’s Community Water Fluoridation page.

Consumer Confidence Reports

Every community water supplier must provide an annual report, sometimes called a Consumer Confidence Report, or “CCR,” to its customers. The report provides information on your local drinking water quality, including the water’s source, contaminants found in the water, and how consumers can get involved in protecting drinking water.

  • View the CDC’s guide to Understanding Consumer Confidence Reports
  • See if your CCR is posted onlineExternal (United States Environmental Protection Agency Local Drinking Water Information)

Household Water Treatment

Even though EPA regulates and sets standards for public drinking water, many Americans use a home water treatment unit to:

  • Remove specific contaminants
  • Take extra precautions because a household member has a compromised immune system
  • Improve the taste of drinking water

Household water treatment systems are composed of two categories: point-of-use and point-of-entryExternal (NSF). Point-of-entry systems are typically installed after the water meter and treat most of the water entering a residence. Point-of-use systems are systems that treat water in batches and deliver water to a tap, such as a kitchen or bathroom sink or an auxiliary faucet mounted next to a tap.

The most common types of household water treatment systems consist of:

  • Filtration Systems
    A water filter is a device which removes impurities from water by means of a physical barrier, chemical, and/or biological process.
  • Water Softeners
    A water softener is a device that reduces the hardness of the water. A water softener typically uses sodium or potassium ions to replace calcium and magnesium ions, the ions that create “hardness.”
  • Distillation Systems
    Distillation is a process in which impure water is boiled and the steam is collected and condensed in a separate container, leaving many of the solid contaminants behind.
  • Disinfection
    Disinfection is a physical or chemical process in which pathogenic microorganisms are deactivated or killed. Examples of chemical disinfectants are chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and ozone. Examples of physical disinfectants include ultraviolet light, electronic radiation, and heat.

Discover Fun Facts About Pest Control

Technician explaining pest control services

In learning more about the pests around the home, it can be interesting to discover the fun facts on life in the animal world. The team at Family Pest Control has many years of experience working with bugs, rodents, and other forms of pest, and in this latest article, they’re highlighting several fun facts about pests and pest control.

  • Some Male Spiders Pluck Their Cobwebs Like a Guitar, To Attract Female Spiders.The spider uses the process to attract female spiders to their web for mating. They can pluck their cobwebs to emit a low-frequency noise that catches the attention of other spiders.
  • A Flea Can Jump 130 Times Its Height.Much like ants, fleas are capable of amazing feats of strength and agility. They can jump 130 times their own height, which makes them a nuisance to deal with within the home. This means they can move from surface to surface quickly and avoid detection.
  • Ants Don’t Sleep.Known as the hardest workers of the insect world, ants actually don’t sleep. They stay awake their entire lives.
  • Cockroaches Are Attracted to Alcohol.Many species of cockroach, particularly the American cockroach are attracted to alcohol.  Beer is among the most alluring scents to the cockroach.
  • The Number Of Insect Species Is Between 6 And 10 million.The number of different insect species is between 6 and 10 million across the globe, and so it’s no wonder that pest intrusions are so common.  Insects are the most common animal population and are found in all corners of the globe.
  • Most Rodents Are Herbivores.The vast majority of rodents are herbivores, and so they only eat plants, nuts, and seeds. Their teeth are ideal for chewing through the tough exterior of most nuts, which unfortunately also makes them ideal for chewing through wiring and other elements in your home!

How to Make a DIY Water Filtration System Using Sand or Gravel

For our purposes of DIYing a water filter system, you’ll want to use more natural materials like sand and gravel or small rocks.

article image

Water is something most people take for granted because it’s so easy to turn on the faucet and fill a glass with the cool, pure liquid. But, there are times when access to clean drinking water is not so straightforward.

In those cases, it’s handy to know how to make a water filtration system.

When Might You Need or Want a DIY Water Filtration System?

If you’re trying to survive in dire circumstances and the only nearby source of water is a stream or lake, a DIY water filtration system could help you stay hydrated without also consuming dirt.

Many people in developing countries learn to build water filtration systems so they can avoid illnesses, although they use a more detailed method than the one covered below. It removes contaminants as well as filters out debris. The one you’ll learn about below only does the latter.

You may also want to create a water filtration system at home as a project to educate your curious kids and go into depth about how important it is to drink clean water and how even if a water source appears clean, looks can be deceiving.

The kind of water filtration system explained below doesn’t require a substantial investment. It uses easily well-known materials, like sand and gravel, to filter out things like mud. Charcoal is perhaps the most crucial ingredient for removing any stuff you don’t want to drink, and most traditional water filters contain it. Let’s get started.

1. Cut the Bottom off a Small Plastic Water Bottle

Begin by finding a plastic water bottle, like a Gatorade container, and cut about a half-inch off, working from the bottom of the bottle up.

As a point of reference, the neck of the bottle will be the bottom of the filter, and the part with the opening you created is the top. Keep the plastic cap on the top end of the bottle. Some methods of making this kind of filtration system advise making a hole in the bottle’s cap with a screwdriver.

2. Insert a Cloth Filter

The next step is to stuff a soft filter into the bottle and push it toward the neck. A bandana works well as a filter, and it’s a readily found item. Alternatively, you could use several cotton balls or a coffee filter.

3. Rinse the Filtering Materials

Before you start adding substances to the bottle that act as filters, rinse all of them thoroughly. Doing this should mean the first portion of water passing through should have less debris than if you used unwashed materials.

Many traditional water filtering methods you see today rely on special kinds of membranes made from a polymer called PTFE — or, its full name, polytetrafluoroethylene. However, for our purposes of DIYing a water filter system, you’ll want to use more natural materials like sand and gravel or small rocks. Hence, rinsing off these filtering materials is an important step in creating a clean water filter.

3. Prepare the Charcoal

Get another piece of cloth and use it to spread out your charcoal. If you have charcoal from a grill or fire pit, that’s a good source.

Make sure to break the charcoal into small chunks, using an object like a large rock to crush it if needed. After working with the charcoal to make it the desired size, wrap the cloth around the substance tightly. Finally, slide it into the battle against the first piece of cloth.

4. Add Playground Sand

From here, creating your DIY water filtration system means adding more gravel to assist with the purification. You’ll start with the finest material and add layers of progressively coarser stuff. Put playground sand directly on top of the charcoal layer. You don’t need to wrap it in a cloth before pouring it into the bottle but add enough to fully cover the cloth.

5. Put in Paver Sand

Paver sand — also called polymeric sand — comprises the next layer. When running it through your hands, you’ll notice it’s more likely to have small stones in it than the playground didn’t have.

6. Add the Gravel or Small Rocks

The final two layers of this filter are fine gravel and coarser gravel. Depending on your area, you may find it in nature. Due to the modest diameter of the plastic bottle, you shouldn’t need more than a couple of handfuls, equaling an inch or two of coverage.

7. Secure the Contents

You’ve now added everything to the filtration system, and it’s time to make sure all your hard work doesn’t go to waste. Get another piece of cloth and stretch it tightly over the bottom of the bottle. Keep the soft material in place with a rubber band or a cable tie.

8. Pass the Water Through the Filter

You’re finally ready to start seeing the fruits of your labor. Hold your filter over an empty cup and take off the cap. Then, pour water on top of and through the filter and wait for it to come through the neck of the bottle and into the cup. This is one type of portable water filter that’s good to take when you go backpacking.

It’s Easy to Filter Your Water at Home

These steps demonstrate it’s not as challenging as some people think to filter water at home or wherever they are. Keep in mind, though, that you still need to use water purification tablets to make the water potable.…

6 Pros and Cons of a Water Filtration System

If you enjoy a cool glass of filtered water from the door of your refrigerator or cooking with purified water through a tap filter, it makes sense that a whole house water filtration system might be an enticing consideration for your home.

Whole house water solutions are growing in popularity and there are many options out there on the market.

Here are some common pros and cons that are inherent in any water filtration system you might choose.

The Pros of a Water Filtration System:

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  • Your nose and taste buds may thank you. Depending on the state of your current tap water, a whole house water filtration system will most certainly make your tap water smell and taste better. This is probably the number one reason many people opt to invest in a whole house water filtration solution. The reason your filtered tap water will be more pleasing to smell and taste is because the filters removes most, and in some cases all,of the unseemly matter from regular city, county or well lines. This can include dirt, mud, organic decomposition waste, manmade waste, chemicals (such as mercury and lead), and other run-off that seeps into the water supply in populated areas. With a whole house water filtration system, one turn of the tap delivers water purified of these undesirable elements.
  • The systems are very convenient to use. If you’re using water filtration jugs, tap filters, or other smaller, over-the-counter water purification solutions you also know that it’s an ongoing cycle of refilling containers, replacing filters, and troubleshooting hoses if something isn’t working correctly. One advantage of a whole house filtration system is that purified water is delivered directly to any water outlet in your house. Beyond cooking and drinking, you can now have purified water to wash your hair, brush your teeth (without trekking to the kitchen), wash your clothes and any other activity in the house with just one turn of any tap.
  • Over time, these systems are much more cost efficient. It is less cost, initially, to buy the filtration units that you fill and store or that connect to your individual taps. A consideration here, though, is that multiple filtration units also mean multiple points of possible breakdown and repair. Additionally, filtration jugs and tap units wear out faster and require replacement more often. A whole house (centralized) filtration system is a single-source to maintain and, if needed, repair. Over time, you will also be paying more to replace the filters for the jugs and tap filters (not to mention the actual jugs and tap filters, which do not have as long a lifespan as a centralized whole house filtration unit).  

The Cons of a Water Filtration System:

  • Speaking of cost, initial installation is more expensive than other filtration methods. In many cases, people who are ready to invest in a whole house water filtration system understand it will be more than the “per faucet” filtration units or higher-end filter jugs. There is a wide range of water filtration systems on the market, with the least expensive in the $500 range up to around $10,000. That’s quite a point spread, we agree. Some systems remove ALL the contaminants and chemicals from your local water source, others (as you climb in price) remove select “bad” chemicals and material, and others are designed to “remineralize” your water by putting back beneficial minerals removed during the purification process. It is important to fully research what would work best for your family’s water needs and budget. If you just want a glass of healthier water, an over-the-counter kitchen tap purifier may be all you need. (TipResearch NSF-certified water purification systems as it relates to different brands and exactly what they remove or replenish in your home’s water supply).
  • You can’t pick and choose what gets filtered. Depending on how you look at it, a whole house water filtration system may be everything you wanted, or too much of a good thing. Meaning, you can’t pick and choose what water outlets are purified. From your kitchen sink, to your showers, to your washing machine, to your dishwasher to the garden hose, you’ll ultimately be paying for a system that purifies all of the water flowing through your home. You may decide that you don’t need filtered water for cleaning your car, your clothes, or your dishes and opt to buy individual tap purifiers. Once again, it comes down to your individual needs, budget and lifestyle.
  • Fluoride and your teeth: If you choose a whole house water filtration system that removes ALL chemicals, you will also be removing fluoride. This is considered a beneficial chemical intentionally put into local water supplies, in most American cities, to protect your teeth. You will want to talk to your dentist (both adult and pediatric, if you have children) to ascertain the full impact of removing fluoride from your home’s drinking water.

Water Filters: The Many Ways to Purify Your Drinking Water

Filtered Water

When it comes to drinking water, everyone wants clean, great-tasting water. For many families, a home water filter helps to provide them with pristine water that is free of odors, chemicals, lead, and other potentially toxic substances. Despite the fact that many of these filters seem identical, there are significant differences between the many types and brands.

If you have ever considered purchasing a water filtration system for your home or office, the information below will help you understand the different technologies and their functions.

What You Need to Know Before Buying a Water Filter

As mentioned above, all water filters are not identical. Here are three more commonly unknown facts about water filtration systems:

  • Filter quality varies from one brand to another, each one eliminating a specific set of contaminants.
  • Just because a filter is “NSF Certified,” it is not guaranteed to remove any specific contaminant.
  • Some filters rely on multiple technologies in order to remove contaminants, while others utilize a single type.

If you wish to better understand the more technical elements of your water filter, simply read the label or visit the company website before you make a purchase.

Water Filtration System

Click Here to View All Water Filtration Systems & Dispensers

10 Water Filtration Methods

Before you buy any type of water for your home, whether a jug from the store, a filter, or even a water cooler, it’s wise to know more about the various purification methods that may have happened before you take a sip. Some filtration methods are better at removing particles and contaminants than others. Here’s a quick overview of each type of water filtration method.

1. Activated Carbon

Carbon removes contaminants by chemically bonding to the water that is poured into the system. Some are only effective at removing chlorine, which only improves taste and odor, while others remove more harmful contaminants, such as mercury and lead. It is important to note that carbon filters do not have the ability to remove inorganic pollutants such as nitrates, fluoride, and arsenic. Carbon filters are usually sold in block or granulated form to consumers.

2. Distillation

Distillation is one of the oldest water purification methods. It vaporizes water by heating it to exceptionally high temperatures. The vapor is then condensed back into drinkable, liquid water. Distillation removes minerals, microorganisms, and chemicals that have a high boiling point. These filters cannot remove chlorine and many other volatile organic chemicals.

3. Deionization

Deionization filters promote ion exchange in your water in order to remove salts and other electrically charged ions. If a contaminant lacks an electrical charge, it will be removed by these filters. Living organisms, such as viruses and bacteria will not be removed by these filters.

4. Ion Exchange

Ion exchange technology uses a resin to replace harmful ions with ones that are less harmful. Ion exchange is often used to soften water since it has the ability to replace calcium and magnesium with sodium. In order for these filters to work for extended periods of time, the resin must be regularly “recharged” with harmless replacement ions.

5. Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis works by moving water through a semi-permeable membrane in order to stop larger, more harmful molecules from entering. Since this process can only block molecules that are larger than water, contaminants with larger molecules, such as chlorine, cannot be removed. Reverse osmosis systems are able to remove more contaminants than carbon, making them a popular choice for many consumers. These filters consume far more water than they produce, so they are best suited for domestic use.

6. Mechanical

Despite the fact that they cannot remove chemical contaminants, mechanical filters are an excellent option for consumers hoping to rid their water of sediments and cysts. Mechanical filters contain small holes that remove these contaminants, and they are sometimes used alongside other filtration technologies. If your water supply contains an undesirable amount of dirt and other particles, you may want to consider purchasing a mechanical filter.

7. Ozone

Ozone is often employed alongside other technologies, and it is renowned for its ability to effectively kill large numbers of microorganisms. Ozone filters do not remove chemicals, but if you are worried about getting sick from your water, this may be your best option.

8. Carbon Block

Carbon block filters are block-shaped filters that are composed of crushed carbon particles. These filters tend to be more effective than other types of carbon-based filters since they have a larger surface area. The rate at which water flows through these filters has a direct impact on their level of effectiveness. Fibredyne carbon block filters have a greater sediment-holding capacity than other types of block filters.

9. Granulated Carbon

As the name suggests, these filters use small grains of carbon to filter your water. Due to their rather small surface area, granulated carbon filters tend to be slightly less effective than their block-shaped counterparts. Much like a carbon block filter, their level of effectiveness is strongly influenced by water speed.

10. Water Softeners

Water softeners employ ion exchange technology in order to reduce the amount of magnesium and calcium in the water. This is especially useful if your plumbing fixtures are prone to accumulating mineral buildup. Since these harmful elements are replaced with sodium, water treated with this process tends to contain high levels of sodium. If you cannot consume large amounts of salt, it is best to avoid softened water. It is also unwise to water plants with softened water since it contains such high levels of sodium.

Types of Water Filters

There are various types of water filters available to consumers. Here are some of the most common types, along with their advantages and disadvantages:

  • Pitchers:Pitchers usually contain carbon filters that improve the taste and odor of your water by removing contaminants. These filter types are inexpensive and fit easily inside of most refrigerators.
  • Under-Sink:As the name implies, under-sink filters are installed underneath your sink and are attached directly to your water line. They can be expensive, but they require little maintenance and are placed out of sight.
  • On-Counter:On-counter filters are placed on the counter, and are directly connected to your faucet. A switch allows consumers to switch between filtered and unfiltered water. Countertop water coolers are a popular, hassle-free way to get purified water with little work.
  • Faucet-Mounted:Faucet-mounted filters attach directly to your faucet, allowing you to filter cooking and drinking water with ease. These filters are fairly simple to install, but they may not fit on all faucets.

Making the Right Decision

With so many choices on the market, finding the perfect water filtration system to fit your family’s needs may seem impossible at first. It is normal to feel overwhelmed, but by understanding how the different types work and keeping your personal needs in mind, you will undoubtedly find the right one. When you install a water filter in your home, your family will have access to clean and healthy water any time the need arises.…

Eight Benefits Of Installing A Home Water Filtration System

The delivery of clean water through municipal water supply systems to our homes is one of the hallmarks of modern civilization. Modern water supply systems test and treat water to ensure it’s safe for all of our needs — drinking, cooking, cleaning, and more.

You want to be sure that the water we use is as pure as possible, and a practical way to ensure that is to add a water filtration system to your home, whether it is a whole house water filter or a water filter located on the water line in your kitchen sink or another water source.

Are you concerned about the water in your area? Check out this handy resource from the EPA that provides information on safe drinking water throughout the United States.

Water Filtration

The benefits of a home water filtration system

Whether your water comes from city water or well-based water systems, you want to ensure that it’s safe for your family. There are many opportunities for contaminants to enter your water, and even if your water is free of contaminants, high levels of minerals can affect the taste of your tap water or make the operation of your dishwasher or clothes washer less efficient.

The best way to tackle these issues is to filter your water in your home, at the point where you’ll use it. Here are some of the benefits you’ll enjoy by installing a filtration system.

Enjoy safe drinking water all the time 

The consequences of having unsafe drinking water can be dire. Pollutants like heavy metals can have profound health consequences at worst, or at best make your water unpalatable. While the vast majority of municipal water systems in the United States do an excellent job of treating our water and ensuring water quality, there is always the danger of system failures, so it’s best to be safe. If you filter your water with an effective home water filtration system you’re making a smart investment in the health of your family.

Save money 

If you’re buying bottled water for your family to use at home the costs can add up quickly. For the average family drinking 2-3 bottles of water a day, annual costs can easily exceed $500. That’s money can be recouped in a timely fashion after you install a water filtration system in your home. And there’s another drawback to bottled water…

Help preserve our environment

You’re probably familiar with stories and images of the increasing costs to the environment of our society’s heavy use of plastic, and plastic bottles are a big part of the plastic waste stream. And even if you’re conscientious about disposing of plastic bottles, there’s no guarantee that you’re used plastic bottles will end up being recycled. Eliminating plastic bottles from your home’s waste stream can play a part in correcting this problem.

Reduce potential plumbing issues 

Minerals, heavy metals, and chemicals in your water can cause corrosion and damage to your pipes and water-using appliances. By eliminating these potentially damaging factors at the source you can extend the life of your pipes, hot-water heaters, and other home appliances.

Prevent skin irritation

Individuals with sensitive skin or who experience skin irritations and conditions such as eczema or psoriasis can suffer from exposure to chemicals in water such as chlorine. A water filtration system in your home can go a long way towards alleviating these problems.

And even if you don’t suffer from these conditions, there’s nothing like the feeling of pure, clean water when you’re taking a shower or enjoying a tub!

Save on soap and enjoy cleaner clothes

Water that has a high concentration of minerals can diminish the effectiveness of soap. With the addition of a water filtration system, you’ll find that appliances like your clothes washer and dishwasher will clean more effectively. Clothes and dishes will be cleaner and your appliances won’t suffer from the buildup of mineral deposits.

Reduces limescale and other mineral deposits

If you’ve ever looked at the bottom of an old tea kettle, you may have noticed white, chalky deposits on the bottom. That’s limescale, the buildup of minerals from lime and other minerals in your water. In addition to being unattractive, limescale can build up in pipes and appliances, and it often makes your water taste unpleasant.

A quality whole-home water filtration system will alleviate many of the issues associated with limescale, and give you better tasting water as well.

Improve the taste of your drinking water

Water is one of the best fluids for your body, and adding more water to your diet can have real benefits for your overall health. So why not enjoy the best tasting water? With a whole house water filter in your home, you’ll enjoy the clean, crisp taste of pure water, every time you open your tap.

Whole House Water Filter

Understanding the different types of water filtration systems

Several different methods are commonly employed for water filtration in the home. Depending on your particular situation, the right one for your situation can vary. Let’s take a look at the science behind each of the most popular filtration technologies.

Reverse osmosis water filter systems

This is the gold standard for home water filter systems. These systems use air pressure to force water through a semi-permeable membrane. Properly installed, these systems can handle a large quantity of filtered water and eliminate almost all contaminants. Reverse osmosis systems are designed to operate as a whole house water filter. They’re placed in a central location and provide the entire home with filtered water.

Cation exchange water filter systems

 These systems are known by other names, usually water softeners or exchange systems. They’re designed as whole-home systems, so all the water in your home will receive the benefits of employing one of these systems. The system works by creating positively-charged ions that attract the negatively-charged ions of earth metals like barium, calcium, and magnesium, minerals that can cause your water to taste bad and negatively impact your health.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon systems are relatively inexpensive and quite common. Activated carbon systems are usually located at the point of delivery, that is, before an individual faucet, such as in your kitchen. Your water supply flows through an activated carbon filter located in line with the faucet and the filter removes chemicals, parasites, or heavy metals present in the water.

Activated carbon filtration systems are inexpensive and easy to install, but the carbon filter in the system will need to be replaced regularly, and they don’t cover the entire home, just the faucet you’ve installed them in line with.

At Team Enoch we offer a variety of different water filtration systems from respected manufacturers. Get in touch with us to find out what your options are.

Tips for installing a whole house filtration system

If you’ve decided that you’d like to tackle a house water filter installation, here are some useful tips for how to proceed with the job.

Be sure the whole house water filter you’ve selected is a good match for your home

Different house water filtration systems have different requirements for fittings and space required. It’s important that you carefully check …

Choosing Home Water Filters & Other Water Treatment Systems

The 8 Best Water Filters in 2021

Step 3: Consider how the filter fits your home, lifestyle, and budget.

Many different types of filters are available to consumers. Determining which type is most appropriate for you—or whether you need a filter at all—depends on what functions you want a filter to provide. No filter eliminates all contaminants, so understanding what filters do and do not do is important.

What does the filter remove?

Read the label to see if it is NSF-certified.  If it is, you can search NSF’s databaseexternal icon to learn more about what a particular model is certified to protect you against. Labels on water filters also typically state the contaminants that are reduced, which can help to guide your choice. Be sure to read labels carefully yourself and verify the manufacturer’s claims with an independent source, as not all sales representatives will be familiar with your needs.

Keep in mind that most brands include many different types of filters. Sales people might be able to help you make an appropriate selection, but remember that they are sometimes paid to sell a particular brand. You should check claims and read the fine print on filter packaging for yourself and ensure that it will work for your purposes before purchasing.

Don’t assume that if the filter removes one contaminant, it also removes others. Filters that remove chemicals often do not effectively remove germs, and vice versa. Some water treatment devices that remove chemicals, such as reverse osmosis, ion exchange, or distillation systems, might also remove fluoride. Children who drink water with levels of fluoride <0.6 ppm might need a fluoride supplement. Check with your child’s pediatrician or dentist for specific recommendations.

How much does the system cost?

The prices of different filtration systems can vary widely, from simple systems that can cost under $20 to complex systems costing hundreds of dollars and requiring professional installation. In addition to the price of purchasing and installing the system, consider the cost, schedule, and ease of maintenance, such as changing filter cartridges. In order to continue to work properly, all water treatment systems require maintenance.

How much filtered water do you need?

Some filters are slow, while others can filter large amounts of water quickly. If you only need the filter for personal drinking water, you may not need a fast filter.

What kind of system do you need, and how does it fit into your home?

Best Home Water Filters 2021 | Water Filter Reviews

Filters commonly found in homes and stores include water filter pitchers, end-of-tap or faucet-mounted filters, faucet-integrated (built-in) filters, on-counter filters, under-sink filters, and whole-house treatment units. No filters or treatment systems are 100% effective in removing all contaminants from water, and you need to know what you want your filter to do before you go shopping (see Step 1). Not all filters of a particular type use the same technology, so you should read the label carefully.

Water filter pitchers

Water filter pitchers are pitchers that are filled from the top and have built-in filters that water must pass through before being poured out for drinking or other use.

  • Pros: Inexpensive to purchase, no installation, easy to use
  • Cons: Vary by model and pore size, filters must be replaced regularly, slow filtering

Refrigerator filters

Many refrigerators have a built-in filter that supplies water through the door and supplies an automatic icemaker.

  • Pros: Come with many refrigerators, often improve water taste, may also filter water used for making ice, easy to use
  • Cons: Filters must be replaced regularly

Faucet-mounted filters

Faucet-mounted filtration systems attach to a standard faucet and can be switched on and off between filtered and unfiltered water flow.

  • Pros: Can easily switch between filtered and unfiltered water, relatively inexpensive
  • Cons: Do not work with all faucets, may slow water flow

Faucet-integrated (built-in) filters

Faucet-integrated filtration systems are faucets designed with built-in filters (instead of an attached filter, like a faucet-mounted system) and require installation.

  • Pros: Can easily switch between filtered and unfiltered water
  • Cons: Often expensive, require installation

On-counter filters

Faucet-integrated filtration systems are faucets designed with built-in filters (instead of an attached filter, like a faucet-mounted system) and require installation.

  • Pros: Can easily switch between filtered and unfiltered water
  • Cons: Often expensive, require installation

Under-sink filters

Under-sink filtration systems are installed under a sink and send water through a pipe to the filter’s own specially installed faucet.  

  • Pros: Filter large amounts of water, do not take up countertop space
  • Cons: Often expensive, may require modifications to plumbing

Whole-house water treatment

Whole-house water treatment devices treat all water entering the house, not just the water used for drinking. 

  • Pros: Treatment is applied to all water entering your home, which may be important for hard water and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  • Cons: Often expensive, may require modifications to plumbing, may require professional maintenance, filtering that removes chlorine might increase growth of germs in all the pipes in your house

Treatment devices

Double Stage Stainless Steel Countertop Commercial Portable Water Bottle  Filter - Water Filter System Household Water Purifier - Buy 5 Stages  Mineral Ro System / Alkaline Water Filter / Mineral Water Purifier

This table shows some benefits and limitations of a few popular home water treatment technologies. It does not include information on all filter types including many those that might remove germs via simple pore size filtration.…